业务 & Industry 专业 Training
生肖买马网站为专业人士提供定制的劳动力发展培训解决方案. 我们的课程旨在提高员工的技能和知识, 确保他们有能力满足当今不断变化的商业环境的需求. We offer a wide range of training options, including industry-specific courses, leadership development programs, and technical skills training.

We understand that each organization has unique training requirements. 这就是为什么我们经验丰富的教师与您密切合作,根据您的具体目标制定量身定制的培训计划. We take into account your industry, 工作角色, 和期望的结果来创建一个培训解决方案,提供可衡量的结果.



我们的讲师是行业专业人士,将现实世界的见解和最佳实践带到培训课程中, 确保你的员工获得可以立即应用的实用技能.


无论您是喜欢在您的企业现场培训还是在我们的大学校园培训课程, we can accommodate your requirements. 我们还提供灵活的培训形式,包括面对面,在线和混合选项


We believe that one-size-fits-all training programs are not effective. 这就是为什么我们与您密切合作,定制培训内容,以满足您的具体需求. We can incorporate your company’s policies, 程序, and case studies into the training materials, making the learning experience more relevant and impactful.


我们的团队致力于确保您的培训计划的成功. We provide ongoing 支持 throughout the training process, from program development to delivery and evaluation. 我们还提供培训后资源和后续课程,以加强学习并帮助您的员工在日常工作中应用他们的新技能.

投资员工的职业发展是一项战略决策,可以推动企业的发展和成功. 立即生肖买马网站,讨论您的培训需求,并探讨我们如何支持您的组织目标.

生肖买马网站 our offerings:

Building a Strong Team Environment

在这个研讨会上, 参与者将有机会合作并制定战略计划,以评估组织的文化,并集思广益,以增强他们的团队与组织使命的一致性. 这个工作坊旨在帮助领导者加强团队的士气、团结和绩效. (90分钟)


No matter how significant a change is in an organization, 正确执行, 支持, and messaging helps employees adjust to change. 在这个研讨会上 on 变更管理, 领导者将有机会制定一个计划,在他们的组织内执行变革. 小组活动使用组织中变化的“真实”例子,并邀请参与者在小组中工作,以设计未来执行变化的策略. (2小时)

完成更多销售 & Generate Repeat 业务

In this interactive high-level sales course, we will focus on 3 key areas of the sales process: needs analysis, 创建提案, 和关闭. In this half-day session, we will cover professional branding, the importance of product positioning, creating a solid proposal, 要求出售, addressing objections, and building repeat business. 参与者将有机会将他们学到的技能应用到他们的商业实践中.



Creating Exceptional Guest Experiences

创造卓越的客人体验研讨会是为那些希望赋予员工必要的技能和知识,以提供卓越的款待和卓越的客人体验的组织而举办的. Highlighting the organization’s mission statement and core values, 工作坊参加者将学习如何有效地与来宾沟通, anticipate their needs, and handle various situations professionally. 培训将包括理论和互动两部分,以确保员工理解对客服务的原则,并能在快节奏的工作中运用这些原则, real-world scenarios they encounter daily. (3小时)

Conducting Effective Interviews

In this interactive and engaging workshop, 与会者将回顾发布职位空缺以及选择和面试候选人的过程. Hands-on activities for revising job descriptions, 筛选候选人, 进行有效的面试是为了帮助招聘经理理清他们对公司招聘流程的理解, sharpen their hiring skills and maximize their hiring efforts. (3小时)

Creating an Inclusive Environment in the Workplace

在工作场所创造一个包容的环境研讨会是为致力于培养团队多样性和包容性的组织而设计的. 在本次会议期间, 参与者将有机会生肖买马网站和理解包容的重要性, learn about the key behaviors that contribute to a cohesive team, and identify the characteristics of an inclusive workplace environment. This interactive workshop provides an opportunity to discuss, 分享, 反映, 并合作制定一项战略,在他们的组织中实现更具包容性的工作环境. (2小时)

Frontline Supervision Training

前线主管培训旨在让新上任的主管掌握必要的技能和知识,以有效地监督和管理前线员工. This training program focuses on developing leadership abilities, 沟通技巧, problem-solving techniques, and conflict resolution strategies.

Participants in this training will learn how to set clear expectations, provide constructive feedback, and motivate their team members to achieve their goals. 他们还将了解员工敬业度的重要性,以及如何创造一个积极的工作环境.

By the end of the training, 参与者将拥有有效领导团队的工具和技术, 提高生产力, and create a culture of excellence within their organization. (24 hours—divided over 6 sessions)

Office Outlook Level I

You probably use Microsoft Outlook every day and it works “just fine.“然而, 你可能没有意识到程序中提供的许多生产力和效率工具将把你的经验从“还好”变成“天哪”, I didn’t know I could do that!”

在这个研讨会上, 您将学习掌握微软Outlook的功能,以提高生产力和效率. At the end of this workshop, you’ll be saving time, 减少挫败感, 并充分利用Outlook的电子邮件和日历功能.


  • Quick review of email basics
  • Tips for managing your email
  • 定制s for efficiency
  • Using Outlook for time and project management
Office Outlook Level II

Office Outlook有许多高级功能,可以让你的电子邮件工作体验更高效,甚至更愉快. Take your Outlook skills to the next level with the Level II workshop! 在这个研讨会上,你将建立在Outlook一级培训中学到的技能. At the end of this workshop, you’ll be saving time, 减少挫败感, 并充分利用Outlook的电子邮件和日历功能.


  • Advanced email customizations
  • 使用类别
  • 使用规则
  • 日历基础知识
  • Advanced Tips for Time & 项目管理
Resolving Conflict in the Workplace

Resolving Conflict in the Workplace can be challenging at all levels. 本次研讨会旨在帮助参与者采用解决冲突的最佳做法. 参与者将学习如何处理和快速解决团队面临的冲突的技巧,并确定他们认为最有效的策略. (2小时)

ServSafe Manager Certification Training

该培训为学生参加ServSafe管理人员认证考试做准备. 前ics covered include: The Importance of Food 安全, Good Personal Hygiene, Time and Temperature Control, Preventing Cross-Contamination, Cleaning and Sanitizing, Safe Food Preparation, Receiving and Storing Food, 解冻方法, 烹饪, Cooling and Reheating Food, HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), Food 安全 Regulations, 和更多的. The course culminates with the national certification exam. Training can be offered at your location or on campus. (8 hours including exam time)



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